Very Helpful Tips

Don't judge a book by its movie, except for Twilight.
Very Helpful Tips

Only date girls with the same name. That way when you accidentally call her by your ex-girlfriend's name... you won't get slapped.
Very Helpful Tips

Always store a secret emergency doughnut in your car in case you ever get pulled over.
Very Helpful Tips

Use idioms that don't relate to anything you're talking about, because a penny saved is a penny earned.
Very Helpful Tips

Kilometers are shorter than miles. So, take your next trip in kilometers to save gas.
Very Helpful Tips

Losing a close friend can be devastating. To ensure that you never have to go through this heartbreaking occurrence, do not get close to anyone.
Very Helpful Tips

When at a drive thru restaurant, drive through the restaurant. The paramedics will appreciate your pun.
Very Helpful Tips

Picture someone mad. Now picture them saying banana.
Very Helpful Tips

To soothe sore or dry throats, try drinking a bottle of lotion.
Very Helpful Tips

To protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays, apply sunscreen to your eyes.